11 Common Mistakes Managers Make... And They Hit You Right On The Head!

There are some traditional practices in management that are wrong, and managers need to avoid making these mistakes.

A. Refusing to take responsibility for management
When being criticized by the boss, don't say it's the fault of this one and that one, many of the mistakes in the team are the mistakes of its management, so when faced with problems managers need to be brave enough to assume management responsibilities, first carry down and then with the team to solve the problem, this is called taking responsibility, wrong is wrong, why should we blame others? The most important thing is to admit your mistakes boldly and then find a way to solve the problem and learn from them.
US President Harry Truman once hung a bold sign on his office door.
"buckets stop here!"
It means that the problem stops here and is not passed on to anyone else. Every supervisor should take this as his or her motto. There are two kinds of people in the world: those who are trying to justify and those who are trying to behave. Those who are in charge should try to behave as much as possible, justify less, and be bold enough to take responsibility. When a problem arises, see if it is your fault. When preparing to ask your supervisor for advice, first ask yourself if you have shouldered your responsibility and if you have to enter your supervisor's door. In short, always remember the saying.
If a manager wants to be effective
must be willing to take responsibility
2. Do not inspire your subordinates
By inspiration, I mean education with people, at any time, anywhere. No matter what time, as long as you see the subordinates are not right, can be inspired, even the janitor can be inspired, but many when the supervisor is often reluctant to open the mouth of respect. Managers must never forget.
70% of the education of your subordinates depends on you
But it is wrong to say that education is a matter for the human resources department. A supervisor is responsible for 70% of the education of his subordinates, only 30% of the responsibility lies with HR, and HR is only responsible for basic education. A real supervisor has to do professional education and take any opportunity to inspire your subordinates.

Third, only emphasise results, not ideas
People must first have thoughts, then they have ideas, which produce touches and finally become behaviours, and after a long time they become habits. It is very difficult for behaviour to become habit. The literary scholar Chen Zhifan has a saying in his book "Cambridge Reflections": It takes many, many histories to cultivate a little tradition; it takes many, many traditions to cultivate a little culture. Many old bosses like to say the phrase
Don't tell me the process
I just need results.
This is a very handsome, personal and sassy sounding statement. If you are a military commander or division commander, you can order your men to take that hill down for me with your brothers, don't tell me how much blood was shed, I am not impressed by blood; don't tell me how many people died, I don't care, all I ask is to take that hill down for me by noon today. Yes, in the military there is an emphasis on this kind of concept, and many of the old chiefs like to have this kind of pie in the face. However, today we are in business, not telling our subordinates to die.
We should emphasise ideas. If you don't turn his mind around, it's useless to talk about it 100 times. If your subordinate follows you and his mind does not grow, and comes in and leaves the same, you cannot be a successful supervisor, and he will resent you.
A subordinate's mind is educated and instilled by the supervisor, and those who are in charge should educate them as they would their own children. If you do not teach him ideas, he will not have ideas, it is impossible to produce touch, no touch will not develop behavior, no behavior is even less likely to produce habits.
Fourthly, a non-discriminatory management style
Everyone has a different background, a different personality, a different experience, and no two people in the world are exactly the same. That is to refuse to treat everyone the same way.
A key can only open one lock, you cannot use one key to open all locks. For example, when criticising people, you can criticise them in public if they are thick-skinned, and call them into the office to talk to them alone if they love to save face. As a supervisor, you have to put in some effort to study your subordinates, to understand and judge them by their behaviour, movements, eyes, words and thoughts.
If he likes money very much, let him go to do sales; he is very careful, you can let him do design work; see things only look at the floor of the people, suitable for guarding the warehouse, eating are using a calculator people should do accounting; mother-in-law people to engage in customer service; can not sit still people let him go to do field work. This is called using people with strengths.
For the more simple-minded, obedient people, we can give him work instructions, give him efficiency requirements, give him budget control, can be implemented from the top to the bottom of the line management; for the highly educated, sensitive, have seen the world, experience complex, stress the team spirit of the people, to let him participate, to focus on two-way management, can not engage in a one-way street.
There is no exact formula for what method a company should use, some emphasise systems, some value human management. A company with a personnel regulation is of little use, every company has personnel regulations and they are more or less the same. Therefore, management should be adapted to the object, not all the same.
V. Forgetting the lifeblood of the company: profit
For a company, if you go to the heart of the matter, you will find that managing a successful company is like a stunt man maintaining five balls in the air, four of which are white and read: products, sales, corporate and public relations, employees, and the other is a red ball. At all times, the stuntman must remember that no matter what happens, the red ball must never be allowed to fall to the ground, because on the red ball are written two words: profit.
Without profits, even if a company has the most perfect product, the best image, the most capable staff and the most compelling financial base, it will still soon be in trouble. Those in charge have four main responsibilities: to generate profits for shareholders, to seek employment for society, to seek the welfare of employees and to seek quality for consumers. The most important is the first one, creating profits and allowing the company to grow is the primary responsibility of all supervisors.
When the head office appraises you and the top executive evaluates you, it asks only one thing: Is there profit? Of course, what we call the pursuit of profit does not mean that we should do whatever it takes to make money, but that we should see the pursuit of profit as a responsibility is the goal, and always keep it in mind.

Sixth, only see the problem, not the goal
As a supervisor, pay attention to the goal, just like swimming, to swim while looking ahead, do not hit the wall of the pool head on before you know you have arrived. Don't spend too much time on small problems, spend more time on goals. If a supervisor puts his energy on small problems, he will forget his goals and will lose his creativity, or at least will gradually dry up.
Many supervisors seem to be busy, but in fact they are often empty. They spend 90% of their day doing only 10% of what they contribute to the company, and one of the main reasons for this lack of effectiveness is that they only pay attention to the little things. One of the main reasons for this lack of efficiency is that they only pay attention to the small things. We need to look at the big principles and do the most important and urgent things at work every day.
We emphasise the need to look at goals, not that we should not look at problems, problems must be looked at, and looked at carefully, because problems are opportunities. But problems can only become opportunities if you look at them from the height of the goal.
So a supervisor should not say that I have a problem, to say that I am faced with an opportunity, so that the meaning is not the same. If you focus on trivia, it is difficult to see the real problem and to see the opportunity. Fail to do this, your competitors will get ahead of you, because there is a famous saying in marketing: whatever you can't think of, your competitors will think of for you.
Seven, not a supervisor, only a buddy
Be a supervisor to have their own authority, do not break the rules in the company. We have to love our subordinates, to support to reward, but can not break the rules. A supervisor who indulges his subordinates will end up being very difficult to manage, and the first time he breaks the rules he has to start punishing. If there is no punishment, he will become a "role model", the company's standards will be broken, and things will be difficult in the future.
VIII. Not setting standards
A company that sets standards of behaviour is a company that gives dignity to the company and to its employees. A company has no standards, a manager has not designed standards, the company will not be decent. If you go into a company and people ask you how you got in. You say, it's not easy to get in, you have to take a written test, you have to take an oral test, you have to pick up a layer of skin. On the other hand, if you say, "It was easy to get in, I just got in. People will think that the company is not worth staying in, that it has not been screened, that there are no strict criteria. People have this mentality: the more you have a standard of behaviour, the more you have a performance requirement, the more dignity they feel.
The so-called standard is in fact a vow, a dignity, a quality. Like Mercedes in Germany, what do you think of when you see a Mercedes on the street? It is a kind of dignity. Why do rich people like to buy Mercedes, if the manufacturer didn't have that kind of standard, would you buy its cars? In the same way, whoever can have a standard like Mercedes has, has dignity.
A company with standards can make its employees feel that it is an honour to work in such a company. When all concerned see the standard as a vow, a quality requirement, self-esteem becomes stronger and stronger in the company and management becomes easier and easier. Therefore, supervisors should not only enforce standards, but also set them. Only with management standards will there be high management performance.

Nine, indulge those who are not capable
Some supervisors like to look for love in the office and for subordinates to love him. Actually, it is wrong. Management is not a competition to see who has the most love and not to be the good old boy. Do not do things if you are a human being (it is a person who does not talk about principles but only makes peace with such people), and do not do things if you are a human being. If you can't do this, you give up your seat and let those who are willing to be in blackface become the supervisor.
The company has given you a task today that it expects you to complete. And if you are afraid of offending this or that, then simply don't do it. The ancient legal scholar Han Feizi had an insightful comment on this subject, which in today's terms means.
A supervisor who only suppresses himself is called afraid
A supervisor who only corrects himself is called chaos
A supervisor who only saves himself or herself is called a cheapskate
A supervisor doesn't have to tell himself or herself not to do this or not to do that, correct here and there and always save for himself or herself. If you have the ability to make a mess of yourself, and everything is fine under you, and you are out entertaining clients every day, and the company is safe and sound, that's called great. If you're dressed to the nines all day and night, with a desk lamp shining on your lonely back working late into the night, and you end up spitting blood from your mouth and getting sick from the strain, that's called being a cheapskate.
Why? Management is like a pyramid, if the top is just a bit rotten and the bottom is solid, it won't be a big deal; if the bottom is bad, the top is good, but it will still be shaky. So, you have to manage your ministry strictly, correct your underhandedness and tell your organisation to go save. If the supervisor only demands himself, it is tantamount to indulging the less capable.
Other bosses like to find someone less capable than themselves as a deputy, and the deputy also finds someone less capable than him as a subordinate. As this goes on, the capability gets worse and worse, so the supervisor always says that his subordinate is no good, but in fact it is all of his own making in the first place.
The Chinese have a local concept of employing people, preferring to use people who are closer to them in terms of geographical or personal ties, even if they are less competent. This is all about indulging people who are not capable enough. It is unfair to others to overindulge those who are not capable and do not seek advancement to stay in the organisation, so everyone has no energy, and the result is that the poor ones drag down the good ones and eventually the organisation.
X. Only superstars in your eyes
Don't have only superstars in your eyes, but emphasise team spirit. Just like a team, it is difficult to win if you only emphasise the superstars and not the efforts of the whole team.
McDonald's has a saying that we don't have shop managers in our company, and shop managers are called for outsiders. McDonald's shop managers are also required to take orders for customers. It is a rule from the company's headquarters that all McDonald's employees around the world are required to take orders for customers regardless of their positions. They have learnt that the company's success today is due to all employees, not to any one superstar.
Even if the company has a superstar, it is important to downplay his contribution and to be more open-minded if you are a superstar yourself. Supervisors should put 90% of their love on 90% of the people, not 90% on 10% of the people, that would be unfair to the other 90%. Anyone who contributes to the company should be seen as the company's hero, so that the company becomes a TEAM.
Therefore, the boss should not have only superstars in his eyes, but should pay attention to the cultivation of the ministry, so that the ministry becomes a star.

XI. Forming rivalries within the company
Within the company, in front of customers, don't say "they", say "we". Supervisors should always emphasise the idea of "we". If anyone does something wrong, it's our fault, and then review what went wrong. This is a concept that should be built up from the beginning of your career, and over time it will become a habit, so that in the end there will be no confrontation in the company and the company or your department will be truly united as a whole.



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