Eight dangerous motives to avoid for successful entrepreneurship

If you want to be an entrepreneur, you are not alone. Movies with stars like "Social Network" and "Jobs" have brought entrepreneurial culture to the focus of the public. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many people are considering starting their own businesses.

Unfortunately, however, those descriptions of brilliant entrepreneurship may prompt some people to start their own businesses for the wrong reasons. The wrong start often leads to the ultimate failure of these entrepreneurs.

In order to avoid entrepreneurial failure, you need to make sure that your entrepreneurial journey does not originate from the following eight reasons before starting:

  1. To become a millionaire

Huge wealth often tempts people to start a business, but with money as your goal, when you start a business, it will be completely retrogressive.

Your customers are not interested in whether you become rich or not; They are interested in the value generated by your business. As an entrepreneur, your goal should be to meet the value needs of your customers.

Pay attention to value, and money will follow.


  1. Create passive income

Ah, yes, the ultimate dream of many entrepreneurs is to put the system there to generate endless income... But don't deceive yourself, this situation is just a dream.

Unless you are lucky enough to inherit a fortune, there is no real source of passive income. Behind all income is a long period of sweat. Especially when you are a new entrepreneur, you will find that every penny you generate will be earned hard. If you are not prepared to make money through long and hard work, your business will fail.


  1. Prove that you can

Maybe you feel that your achievements are not enough. You need to use an extra thing to prove your value, which is a successful enterprise.

In fact, such an enterprise will never satisfy your insecurity. On the contrary, entrepreneurship will magnify and worsen these unsafe factors.

If you need to prove that you "can do this", you need to start therapy, not entrepreneurship.


  1. Follow your passion

Who doesn't want to give up their daily work and do what they love 100%?

Although it is feasible to start a business based on your passion, successful entrepreneurs can't just focus on this standard.

At least in the early days, business owners tend to spend more time on sales and marketing than on their favorite jobs. If it doesn't sound like something you like, it may be better to find a job in your favorite field than to start a business.


  1. Give up work for others

Although as an entrepreneur, you can have more autonomy in decision-making, you are always responsible for others. Others may be your customers, investors, or even the current market trend. Entrepreneurs need to make others as happy as possible.

  1. To be a famous CEO

Focusing on reputation will inevitably lead to failure of entrepreneurship and reputation.

If your success indicators include media attention, you will be squeezed out of the market soon after the first press conference. Fame is like money. Fame naturally exists when it has great value for others. It is not hard to find.


  1. Get rid of heavy work

As a new entrepreneur, you need to do a lot of basic and heavy work at the beginning, and then you can outsource these work to others. In addition, you need to do a lot of work regularly.

You will be responsible for door-to-door sales, customer support and data entry. To start a business, you need to be prepared.


  1. To change the world

As the saying goes, "You have to pay off the rent before you change the world." Few successful entrepreneurs have such lofty goals as solving a huge global problem at the beginning.

A successful enterprise, no matter how bright it looks on the surface, starts from a specific market and focuses on solving a problem that people pay attention to. If you want to increase your chances of success, you should do the same. Don't worry, after doing so, you will soon reach the stage of changing the world.

Finally, it is important to remember that a successful enterprise is realized by generating a lot of value. Your goal should be to solve a pain point for your market and use a really good way to solve it. Once you do this, the possibilities for success are endless.

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