Larry Page, one of the founders of Google

Larry Page (March 26, 1973), one of the founders of the search engine Google, is now the product CEO of Google. On Forbes' 2007 list of the richest Americans, Page and Sergey Brin ranked fifth, with total assets of US $18.5 billion.

Character experience

Larry Page was born in a Jewish family in East Lansing, Michigan, USA in 1973. His father, Carl Vinson Page, was a computer professor at Michigan State University, with a doctorate in computer science. His mother, Gloria Page, was also a computer professor at Michigan State University (MSU), a Jew.

Larry Page studied at Montessori School in Okimos and graduated from East Lansing High School in 1991.

In 1992, Page entered the University of Michigan to study. During his study in Ann Arbor, he served as the president of Eta Kappa Nu Honorary Society of the University of Michigan, and was a member of the Solar Automobile Organization. He also made a programmable inkjet printer with Lego bricks. His guiding professor was Dr. Terry Winograd.

In 1996, Page entered Stanford University to study. During his doctoral degree in computer science, Larry Page met Sergey Brin. After he received his doctorate at Stanford University, Page began to suspend his studies.

In 2003, he obtained the MBA degree from IE College.


Create Google

In 1996, Page and Brin began to work together on a search engine called "BackRub". In the first half of 1998, after the technology was gradually improved, they worked together to run Google search and rank pages based on PageRank. At the same time, they began to find partners for this technology.

They found David Filo, one of the founders of Yahoo. Filo believed that their technology was really reliable, but suggested that they establish a search engine company to develop their own business and consider cooperation after development. One of their teachers and one of the founders of SUN Microsystems, Andy Behtohim, gave them great help at a critical moment. Behtohim is really a visionary. After watching their demo, he immediately wrote a check for 100000 dollars to help set up Google. Later, they borrowed money from friends and family and raised $1 million as their initial investment.

On September 7, 1998, Google was officially established in Manlo Park, California. They hired Craig Silverstein, their first employee, to become Google's technology director.

In February 1999, they moved to a new office. Although the conditions were still poor, they were better than the garage. A table tennis table was used as a formal meeting place. Eight employees could not turn around in the office. If one person wanted to go out, everyone had to get up and remove the stool to make room. In June, Google received $25 million from Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins Caufield venture capital funds. On September 21, Google was no longer a beta search engine and began to process about 300 million search results every day.

In 2000, under the leadership of Page, Google became the largest Internet search engine, and Yahoo chose Google as its default search results provider.

In 2001, Page resigned as CEO, hired Dr. Eric Schmidt from Novell as CEO of Google, and took the post of product director himself.

In 2003, Page led Google to launch AdSense after acquiring Semantics and Sprinks for 102 million dollars. This advertising plan can advertise according to the website content.

In 2004, Google was listed on NASDAQ.


personal honor

Larry Page is the son of Dr. Carl Victor Page, a professor of computer science at the University of Michigan. Inspired by his father as a professor of computer science, Page began to use computers as early as 1979 when he was 6 years old.

Larry Page followed his father's tradition in the academic field and became an honorary graduate of the University of Michigan, obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering (majoring in computer engineering). While studying in Ann Arbor, Page served as the president of Eta Kappa Nu Honorary Society at the University of Michigan, and made a programmable ink-jet printer with Lego.

While studying for a doctorate in computer science at Stanford University, Larry Page met Sergey Brin, who co founded and managed Google (started operations in 1998). Page began to suspend his studies after receiving his master's degree at Stanford University. He is an honorary MBA from Insituto de Empresa University and the first student to win the New Graduate Award for Engineering from the University of Michigan Alumni Association.

Page has delivered speeches in many forums such as the Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference, the Wall Street Journal Technology Summit, the World Economic Forum and the Commonwealth Club.

In 2002, he was elected as the "Global Leader for Tomorrow" by the World Economic Forum and the "Young Innovator Who Will Create the Future" by MIT's Technology Review magazine.

Page is a member of the National Advisory Council (NAC) of the University of Michigan School of Engineering. He was awarded the title of "Inventor of the Year" by Research and Development Magazine, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2004.

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